Your school. Your choice. Our Mission.
NCNS exists to…
Promote excellence in education
Help families choose the best school for them
Support nonpublic school leaders & teams
Build bridges between public & nonpublic education entities
Partner with like-minded groups to advance nonpublic education
Highlight nonpublic & public educational responsibilities
Improve education for all
Defend education freedom & school autonomy
We are the official state affiliate of the Council for American Private Education.
Board of Directors
Bob Ziegler
Lutheran Congregation of the Missouri Synod Central Officer Representative
Tim Hekrdle
Vice President
Rural Education Representative
Dr. Anthony Williams
Douglas County Representative
Jordan Engle
Catholic School Superintendents Representative
Jeremy Ekeler
Parent Representative
Mark L'Heureux
Open Position
Casey Prindle
Lancaster County Representative
Dan Sievert
Lutheran School Administrators Representative
Maru Whitmore
Parent Representative
Tom Venzor
Nebraska Catholic Conference Representative